Fox Terrier dog breed, igroomhub

Wire Fox Terrier


Alicia demonstrates a beautiful show clip on Tucker the Fox Terrier. Tucker was prepared 3 weeks ago and is now ready for the final touches before he enters the ring. The Fox Terrier coat is difficult to work with - you will see why!

Part 1 This hand strip is not for the faint hearted. This is one of the most difficult dogs to get right. Breaking the coat can discolour the dog. If you’ve never hand stripped, do not make a Foxy your first try! Ensure your technique is refined. Neck and wither work, jacket, tail and legs make up this first section.

Part 2 Setting in the neck, shoulder, ears and face.

Part 3 Flat work on the neck with a fine knife, underline and legs. It takes time to get the balance right!

Part 4 Finally, Alicia takes us through her show-prep on Tucker, demonstrating techniques that you would undertake in the last 15 minutes of a competition groom.


Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier