Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed, igroomhub

Lagotto Romagnolo


Originating in Romagna, a sub-region of Italy, this dog was bred for water retrieving. In later years, the Lagotto is more commonly known as a truffle hunter. You may have Lagottos on your books with names that reflect that, just like Trufflino! The Lagotto is a small to medium dog (50cm at the withers) with a rustic appearance. Colleen Beagley takes us through what we can do to style and groom a pet Lagotto Romagnolo

PART 1 Setting in the body

The Lagotto is rustic in appearance akin to being unkempt. This can lead to owners not understanding the importance of brushing and maintaining the coat. Setting a high shoulder and rear leg emphasizes a fluffy full leg. Colleen uses a lilac comb on the body and a green comb on the legs. The head set calls for some hair behind the ears and a rustic topknot. Colleen takes the chin off with the body blade in order to emphasize the square look starting from behind the ears. 

PART 2 The legs

Don't poodle my Lagotto! Rear angulation can often resemble a Poodle. Colleen skims off the rear and blends to create column style legs. Blending with chunkers at the shoulders also builds straight, full front legs.

PART 3 The tailset

The tail set is traditionally a little longer than the body. Trufflino enjoys a fuller tail. Colleen fans the tail to be tight and compact.

PART 4 The head

Think rustic, bulky and square. Lagottos generally have a full stop, being a pet trim, Colleen clears the corner of the eye and blends to the stop. Colleen removes a triangle pocket under the ear so the ear sits into the cheek.

Traditionally the ears would be the same length as the body. Colleen shortens and uses a triangle angle on the bottom of the ears.

The last step is correcting the groom to become rustic. Colleen places some finishing spray over the body and top of the head. By roughing that product or water in, create a curl and crinkle back into the coat




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